What surprises are hiding in your data?

Have you ever wondered who your end clients actually are? Are they all ‘45-65 upper middle class’ types (aka typical financial planning clients)? Or is there a wider spread? Or even a couple of distinct subsets.

Today, we’re going to look at some insights from a different data set – Australians who donate to cancer charities. Prepare to be surprised…

And if there’s surprises here, who knows what (or more to the point, who) might be hiding in your customer base.

What the data says about people who donate to cancer charities.

The following insights come from Lemontree, a 14-million customer record, industry-wide data collective, which is built, owned and managed by Marketsoft. (Marketsoft and Mayflower are the joint owners of Wattletree.) This particular data set is the aggregation of all the donors to the 6 biggest cancer charities in Australia.

Firstly, the male/female split. You might think that women are more likely to donate to a cancer charity. In fact, the opposite is true. Around two-thirds of donors to cancer, charities are men.

Next the average age of donors. It’s only 37. And the average income? Only $60k pa, well below the Australian average of around $90k.

And finally, most surprising (to me anyway!) is the fact that households who donate to cancer charities only support 1.5 charities on average. That is most households who donate to a cancer charity ONLY donate to that charity and no others (of any variety). Compare this to an average of 3 or more across the Lemontree universe.

My theory is that donations to cancer charities tend to be where a family member or spouse has had that particular cancer, as opposed to ‘cause based’ donations such as climate change, poverty, etc. I may be completely wrong though, what do you think??

So the real question is, what’s hiding in YOUR data?

There’s only one way to find out…

Let’s talk

If there’s a burning DDO question that no-one seems to have a good answer to, or you just need to understand how Wattletree works in more detail, please get in touch. I invite you to shoot through your Q’s using the below form or alternatively you can call me on 0417 970 818. There’s no such thing as a silly question*

*OK, we all know that’s rubbish but you know what I mean!

Cheers, Sarah

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